Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Now That Obama Has Won

Well, it appears clearly that Obama has won, and that many seats in the House and Senate will go the way of the Democrats. Not that the Republican phonies don't deserve a lesson here, but I wanted to share with you what I think will happen now that the Marxists are moving in.

  1. Remember that Obama tax calculator? Yeah, there's no way that will come true.
  2. I am a sole proprietor, barely scraping by. I'm sure Obama is going to make my life very uncomfortable. First, he'll probably force me to pay higher taxes to pay for his healthcare plan. Second, he'll raise my taxes because I'm a small business owner.
  3. The coal industry generates like 50% of the power in the USA. And Obama is going to bankrupt them with energy controls. Look, I'm all for a wonderful environment of clean air and water, but not at the risk of causing our electric bills to shoot through the roof.
  4. Nuclear power is actually still a great power source, and the Democrats don't like nuclear power. And now there's something new called Thorium. Yeah, you should google up the benefits of thorium and realize that if we mix thorium into our future nuclear plans, it solves a lot of our problems. And if Iran and North Korea would mix thorium into their nuclear plans as well, the world would either be a whole lot safer, or if they don't, it would show Iran and North Korea for the scoundrels they truly are.
  5. Look, I'm all for the pullout of Afghanistan and Iraq. We came over there, told them who we are, tried to help them, and now it's time to step aside and let the guys in nightshirts go back to their prehistoric ways and kill each other in their fuedal eye-for-an-eye battles. So the Democrats will pull our troops back home. But the situation in the Middle East will grow even worse, and the Democrats then will not do anything to squelch terrorist training camps that will arrive just as soon as we pull out.
  6. I hear all this emphasis to get off of foreign oil. Yeah, I'm all for it. Heck yeah! But I know what will really happen. Nothing. The Democrats will say all this and that and the reality fact checks will show the complete opposite. No movement.
  7. The Dept. of Education, a department that has not lived up at all to its mandate, should be disbanded. But the Democrats will merely fatten its coffers and nothing will ever change in that department. We will continue to get poor marks for education in America.
  8. I recently read stats that said that most of the USA's top businesses don't pay a decent 30% or 40% tax rate like the Middle Class pays. This is because they have clever tax accountants, lobbyists, and loopholes to keep their taxes low. I can't afford tax accountants, lobbyists, or dare risk a loophole. So I actually have to pay my taxes. Therefore, I actually think a progressive tax system would actually catch these jerks. But I tell you what will really happen under Obama. These upper-end corporations will skirt the system and nothing will ever change.
  9. Of course, I'm actually a fan of eliminating property and income taxes and sticking everythiing into a sales tax. I believe in the FairTax program. But now this movement is completely dead. I wish it weren't so, but I'm I expect this program to die out and fizzle into nothing in the future. Too bad, too. The stats show it would have done our country a whole lot of good.
  10. Those people that had failed mortgages? Yeah, I've been laid off, actually, before I became my own sole proprietor. And I've had a tough time paying my mortgage. But I pay it, darn it. So those sons of bitches out in California and wherever who can't pay it, they piss me off. So now they're going to get a handout. And what I'm thinking is, why pay my own mortage? Heck, why don't I just skip my own mortgage and let the government bail me out? If we're going to have a Marxist regime where the government owns the banks and the big mortgage companies, then why don't they give me a handout too? Don't I pay my taxes? Why should it only be those mortgage speculators who lost who get the handouts? Why not me?
  11. Good bye SUVs. Look. With logging trucks all over the road, and needing to lug my kids around with all their gear, or ride across muddy South Carolina roads, an SUV is the only way to go. So, now I bet Obama and the Democrats are going to tax the crap out of me for it. And do you know what I feel like doing if they do that? Taking them to court. That's right. The moment an SUV tax goes into place, I'm filing a class action lawsuit with the best lawyer in the country and fighting those sons of bitches in the House and Senate who voted it in.
  12. If we're going to wait in line for handouts, and taxes are going to have to go up to pay for these things, then we better see these decrepit roads and bridges fixed. I've got a bridge near my house that's like 1/3 of a mile long, and it's got road expansion joints in it and shows clear sign of falling apart. Some people are going to get killed on that bridge. That damn bridge better get fixed or I'm going to raise some Cain. So, I don't like a handout, but if they're going to be giving out handouts, then that damn WPA-era bridge better get fixed.
  13. We're going to start to see crazy stuff going on in this country. Remember that Muslim in Florida who wanted to wear that complete hijab to get her driver's license picture taken, and refused to take off her garb? Yeah, under the Obama regime, people like that will be able to wear that junk for religious purposes. So if that's true, I'm going to form my own religion and wear a ski mask for my next driver's license photo.
  14. We're going to start seeing gays everywhere. They'll be holding hands at the mall, kissing each other, sneaking in sex on the beach -- everywhere. It's going to get disgusting.
  15. We're going to see late-term abortions shoot the roof. More disgusting.
  16. Wall Street is going to take a nose dive with the news, and we're going to move into the Great Depression II. Obama will do what he can -- we'll have WPA all over again -- but it won't help.
  17. North Korea, China, and Iran will continue to move into a more sinister direction, and Democrats will close their eyes at it. Heck, they may even bring Madeline Allbright back. She'll be saying, "They're all such nice people. I don't know what people think the problem is."
  18. The USA automakers are toast. Heck, I hear the world's automakers are having trouble, but ours will completely fold up shop and shut down.

So there you have it, failed promises, higher taxes, no jobs, more homeless than ever before, failed businesses, the Great Depression II, and the widening gap between rich and poor will grow even wider. Once again, the Middle Class, and small businesses, will get screwed.

Thank you, American voters.


Anonymous said...

hey-hey whoa! too soon! I'm riding the Obama high still..

Anonymous said...

Nice optimism !

It's clear that you're a deep republican but that's only one point of view. Don't be so narrow minded.